
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Funny, Bad and Cheesy Auto Insurance Commercials on Youtube

As I was going through Youtube (yet again) to get some inspiration on what to write for my blog, would you believe I found some cheesy and bad auto insurance commercials ?

Here's one which is cheesy and sleazy which I wonder how people will actually call to inquire about their car insurance rates. But I guess, different takes for different makes !

Below is a bad but famous Eagle Man auto insurance commercial, which I wonder how on earth people can come up with such cheesy one-liners in it... but I guess, it grabs attention , though I ponder over the insurance company's credibility. Watch it to decide for yourself.

The following commercial from Allstate Insurance on the other hand, is however quite hilarious :) Enjoy !

I hope the three videos will provide you with some light moments. But on a serious thought, never belittle the need for a comprehensive auto insurance policy if you want to drive on the roads. Always check out a few deals or call your current agent for rates to see that you get the best deal that fits your budget.

Do not try to save a few cents just to fit the minimum and then regret later when a situation arises.

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