A motoring policy for a single day is ideal when you purchase a new vehicle. Instead of having to take the time to apply for an annual policy at the time of purchase you can get car insurance for a day in a matter of a few minutes. Temporary insurance is quick and easy to get and this makes it ideal for times when you spot the car of your dreams and you want to snap it up before anyone else does. You can put a quick basic policy in place, then sort out a longer term plan when you get home.
Another reason you may want to get car insurance that lasts a day or two is because you need to use someone else's vehicle and your insurance does not cover you. By purchasing temporary car insurance you will get the insurance you need without paying a lot for it.
There are times when someone needs to borrow your car or van. Perhaps you are temporarily unable to drive, or you have family coming to visit from out of town and they will need a vehicle to drive. This is a perfect time to get car insurance for a day. Your vehicle will then be properly covered in case of an accident.
Another group of people with irregular driving habits tend to be younger people living with parents. If you are not working full time and do not need a car for regular commuting, you may only need a car very occasionally. You could go weeks without needing to drive, but then want to do a lot of driving in a short space of time. A traditional policy would be a waste of money in this situation. The best option for ongoing irregular driving would be a pay as you go policy. This is where a tracking box is fitted to your vehicle and you are charged by the insurer based on the driving you actually do.
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