
Sunday, September 27, 2009

6 Tips to Save Money on Your Car Insurance

Car Insurance Can Be Very Expensive

With the crazy amount of money you are already paying for gas, you may be looking for other ways to save money. One such money saving possibility could be in cutting down your car insurance bill. Follow these tips to cut it as low as possible.

Tip #1 - Take A Safe Driving Course

Some insurance companies offer as much as a 10% discount to those who haven taken a safe driving course. Check with your car insurance company to see if this applies. If it doesn't maybe you should look for another car insurance company that does offer this feature?

Tip #2 - Eliminate Any Extra Cars You May Own

This one is kind of obvious. But do you have any extra cars that you don't drive but you currently have on your insurance? If you do then take them off! You are wasting money by including cars that you don't drive on your insurance plan.

Tip #3 - Discounts On Multiple Cars

This tip is sort of the reverse of the previous one. Many car insurance companies will offer a discount if you insure multiple cars with them. Again like with tip #1, if your insurance company doesn't offer this discount then perhaps you should be looking for another insurance company?

Tip #4 - Don't Get A Ticket

Well no one wants to get a ticket, right? But along with the pain in the butt of getting a ticket and the fine that may go with it is the often much bigger pain that may come from raised car insurance rates due to your ticket. Most of the time your rates will rise if you get a ticket. This is just another reason to drive safely.

Tip #5 - Don't Get Into A Car Accident

You may be rolling your eyes at this point. And I understand. Obviously nobody wants to get into a car accident (well except for those freaks in that movie "Crash," no, not that "Crash," the one from the '90s. Look it up!) But another reason (besides the obvious ones of not wanting to get injured or worse) not to get into a car accident (this includes any sort of fender bender) is that they will greatly increase your insurance rates. Again, just another reason to drive safely.

Tip #6 - Increase Your Deductible

This is somewhat risky and you may regret it later. But it will save you money as long as you don't get into a wreck!

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