
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Teen Auto Insurance Quotes - How to Avoid Paying More For the Insurance Than You Paid For the Car

How do you get cheap teen car insurance? When you first get your license the insurance can cost more than the car, unless you know where to look. For the first few years the insurance is so high that you have to drive real carefully otherwise if you have one accident the rates go so high you need a loan to pay the insurance.

Ideally you should consider the insurance before you even buy the car but many people prefer to get a fast car then realise they cannot keep up with the insurance payments. If it is your first car you should look at the insurance rates first and then as time goes on your rates will drop.

All it takes is one knock or accident and the rates will go so high that you will be unable to afford to run the car, unless it is a cheaper car. Everything from engine size down to your job affects the rate. If you are a pilot your policy is going to be much higher than if you work behind a desk.

Even the mileage you do affects your insurance, obviously the further you drive the more chance there is of an accident or damage to the car. Some companies even check the mileage on the car if you have an accident as a way to avoid paying put so it is best to make sure you have a good idea of how much mileage you will be doing when they ask.

If you can find a way to keep the mileage down and can get a cheaper car your auto insurance quotes will be much lower. Instead of an auto insurance quote that is more than you paid for the car.

By Brian Bannon

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