
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Auto Insurance Discounts

Some general ways to get discounts on your car insurance are listed below :

Having good credit rating :
Auto insurers have come to believe that drivers with a good overall credit rating are also good insurance risks. You can't apply for this discount directly; your credit standing may be factored into your original rate quotation. The company checks it just as it does your driving record. It's a good idea to periodically check your credit rating and make sure it contains no unfavorable errors. If it does, do what's necessary to remove the unwarranted blemishes.

Being a Safe driver :
If you've had no moving violations or accidents in the past three years, you might be able to reduce your premiums by as much as 40 percent. It never hurts to ask your car insurer for such premium reductions.

Presence of Anti-theft device :
For the most effective security devices — especially engine cutoff switches that prevent a vehicle from starting without the correct key — companies often give a 15 percent discount on your comprehensive coverage. The best devices are built in by manufacturers, so check for these when you are shopping for a new car.

Getting your auto insurance policy with existing insurer :
If one of your potential choices is the company that provides for your homeowner's insurance and other insurance needs, it may offer a 10 to 15 percent break on your auto insurance coverage.

Preferred vehicles :
Several major car insurers now make allowances for specific vehicles and how effective they are at protecting occupants during an accident. State Farm, for instance, cuts rates for personal injury protection coverage for vehicles that best protect occupants in a crash. But because PIP coverage makes up only about 10 percent of your auto insurance premium, owners of preferred vehicles will receive savings of $50 a year or less.

Allstate is also taking a similar approach to PIP. But unlike State Farm, it also takes into account how much damage a vehicle does to other vehicles in a crash. So some large autos, especially SUVs, get a discount for occupant protection offset by an added premium for the extra damage they do, according to Allstate claim records. Owners of minivans and large sedans, however, are likely to get an occupant protection discount with no offsetting damage increase.

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