Car insurance is required for almost all drivers. In certain instances where car insurance is questioned as an important purchase, usually youth or financial reasons, understanding the consequence of the lack of insurance usually cures the impulse to forgo it. Protecting a persons driving record, financial future and vehicle are the top reasons that auto insurance plays such an important part in a drivers security.
A driving record is tarnished when one is caught driving without insurance. If one is speeding or gets in an accident without insurance there is usually a court date and sever penalties and/or fines for lack of auto insurance. In the future if a driver wants to purchase insurance with a tarnished record, it will cost more.
A driver's future financial security is not only at risk when he or she drives without insurance, but also if he or she drives with too little coverage. In a major accident if the responsible party is not insured or under insured, the other party may sue for damages. This includes damages to the people in car, time missed from work, emotional and physical/medical damages. This kind of court case can demand millions from someone who is unable to pay, which will resort in a lifetime of payments to the other driver. In addition to payments garnishments can be made, and assets taken away. A driver risks loosing everything if they are driving without car insurance.
The vehicle a driver owns or is purchasing can be covered by auto insurance, so if there is an accident or mishap, the current value of the car is replaced. This helps the driver stay on the road and makes a past accident less life changing. When a driver purchases insurance he or she should consider limits and full-coverage car insurance, if they don't want to be stranded after an accident. In addition, adding some tow and rental car benefits tend to give the driver peace of mind.
The importance of car insurance is usually understated, while the truth is that it is a life changing purchase. Without car insurance many people can find themselves in community service, with fines and probably going to court. A driving license is affected and it is always harder to get back to life, once one is caught without the proper auto insurance. Car insurance is a responsibility that a driver not only has to his or herself, but also to society.
A driving record is tarnished when one is caught driving without insurance. If one is speeding or gets in an accident without insurance there is usually a court date and sever penalties and/or fines for lack of auto insurance. In the future if a driver wants to purchase insurance with a tarnished record, it will cost more.
A driver's future financial security is not only at risk when he or she drives without insurance, but also if he or she drives with too little coverage. In a major accident if the responsible party is not insured or under insured, the other party may sue for damages. This includes damages to the people in car, time missed from work, emotional and physical/medical damages. This kind of court case can demand millions from someone who is unable to pay, which will resort in a lifetime of payments to the other driver. In addition to payments garnishments can be made, and assets taken away. A driver risks loosing everything if they are driving without car insurance.
The vehicle a driver owns or is purchasing can be covered by auto insurance, so if there is an accident or mishap, the current value of the car is replaced. This helps the driver stay on the road and makes a past accident less life changing. When a driver purchases insurance he or she should consider limits and full-coverage car insurance, if they don't want to be stranded after an accident. In addition, adding some tow and rental car benefits tend to give the driver peace of mind.
The importance of car insurance is usually understated, while the truth is that it is a life changing purchase. Without car insurance many people can find themselves in community service, with fines and probably going to court. A driving license is affected and it is always harder to get back to life, once one is caught without the proper auto insurance. Car insurance is a responsibility that a driver not only has to his or herself, but also to society.
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