
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Fight Back: Lower your Car Insurance costs

Car Insurance renewal time - It's probably everyone's least favorite time of the year. Now, if you're lucky enough not to have an increase in your policy, congratulations! But, if your one of the thousands of car insurance policy holders who received an increase on your policy this year, this money saving article on car insurance is for you.

Car Insurance rates are on the rise: For the second quarter in a row, the average lowest car insurance quote has been higher in 2007 then in the same 3-month period in 2006. Near the end of each fiscal quarter, an online insurance marketplace, studies car insurance quotes obtained from people shopping for car insurance. The study performed by Kanetix, looked at the lowest quote given during the months of October, November and December of 2007 by Canadian insurance shoppers, calculated an average, and compared it to the same quotes for 2006. The study performed indicated a 5.3% increase year-over-year. Whereas last quarters study only suggested a 1.5% raise in car insurance premiums. Be prepared to fight back and follow these useful tips that may help you lower your car insurance premium.

Top five tips to fight the rising cost of car insurance:

Ignore the myths surrounding car insurance premiums.

Contrary to popular belief; car insurance premiums across insurance companies aren't the same! Consider this, what you are paying now with your current insurer could be thousands more, or thousands of dollars less with another company. In actual fact, auto insurance rates per each insurer are so unique that one can say that there are no two car insurance policies alike.

Shop around for quotes

Use a service that does the shopping for you! Let do all the dirty work for you. Simply input your information and receive multiple quotes from competing insurers. This is one of the most effective ways to see if you can lower your car insurance rate.

Never pay for quotes

When shopping around for car insurance you should never pay to get quotes whether you're researching online, or offline. Services like kanetix.cawich offer online insurance comparison will never charge you to receive car insurance quotes from competing insurers and will never add any hidden fees to the quotes you receive.

When shopping, compare oranges to oranges!

Be consistent while you are comparing car insurance rates; always include the same deductibles, coverages such as collision and comprehensive, and limitations so you're comparing similar rates. The majority of comparison sites will automatically calculate these for you. Nevertheless, keep this in mind while researching offline.

Not only should "bad drivers" shop around but everyone should!

This is being stated on its own but is a combination of the two tips above. Too frequently, drivers think that only those with bad driving histories have to shop around to find the best car insurance rate; to find coverage period, not so much as to find a decent price. Good drivers or bad, should all shop around to ensure that they are receiving the best-quoted price for the type of coverage they need.

Join thousands of Canadian insurance shoppers on the fight to finding a lower car insurance rate at where you will find insurers competing to give you the best possible Car Insurance rate available to you!

by Paul S. Gregg

Check Out the Related Article : Auto Insurance Rates for Teenagers - Where to Get the Cheapest

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