
Saturday, July 5, 2008

Get the Best Deal From Your Auto Insurance Company

Everyone should have auto insurance for each vehicle they own. Insurance not only protects others, but protects you too. In most states, vehicle insurance coverage is the law. Many states now require proof of insurance before you can even register your vehicle. A lot of car insurance companies took advantage of this and raised their coverage costs, now several states have mandated laws to protect the consumer from being overcharged. These laws, along with some smart shopping tips, will ensure that you will get the best price possible for the coverage you desire.

Get quotes and don't be afraid to let each company know what another company quoted. They want your business and may be willing to meet or beat a competitor's rate. Quotes are easily obtained by phone or online. Personal information, like drivers license number or Social Security Number, does not need to be revealed in order to get a quote for auto insurance.

Adjusting the numbers on your auto insurance coverage can save quite a bit. If you are willing to spend more out of pocket in case of a mishap, raising your deductible will lower your cost. A prior insurance coverage discount is often offered for consumer longevity. This doesn't always have to be with the same company. Most will honor proof of insurance from other companies. If you have had any accidents, check with your insurance company to make sure they have all the information correct. False or outdated information can cause significant rate increases. Information to check would be; making sure your listed as not at fault for crashes caused by another, for non-injury crashes, it should be stated as non-injury, and ensuring that accidents older than three years are not listed.

The type of vehicle will affect the rate too. Sports cars, luxury cars, and SUVs are some of the most costly to insure. After you have decided on a make and model of a vehicle you want to purchase, get an auto insurance quote before signing. You will be surprised of how much of a difference there is between types of vehicles. Buying a four door vehicle or economy vehicle will save lots of money on car insurance.

A few other discount avenues to research are marriage discounts, listing little used vehicles as low mileage vehicles, and removing unnecessary medical coverage if you have private injury coverage, state medical coverage, or a medical plan through work. Ask your car insurance agent what other discounts you may qualify for. Some offer student discounts, safety course discounts, airbag discounts, or accident free auto insurance discounts. Following these small tips can lead to big savings.

Always compare the same coverage for all auto insurance companies you are researching. You can fill out one form and get multiple car insurance quotes by visiting

by Mary Duares

Check Out the Related Article : Auto Insurance: Utilizing Online Discounts

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