
Monday, July 28, 2008

Massive Savings for High Risk Drivers in Getting Cheap Auto Insurance

There are many ways you can avoid being a high risk driver and getting cheap auto insurance. You should consider things like mileage, where you live, a garage, and the type of vehicle you are trying to insure. Thinking about these things can save you quite a bit of money on your car insurance.

The type of vehicle you get insured is a big factor when you are looking for auto insurance. This is because the insurance company considers what it will cost them if you get into an accident. The cheaper the cars worth then the cheaper the insurance will be on the vehicle.

Another consideration with auto insurance and keeping your risk low is the amount of mileage you are driving every week. The fewer amounts of miles you are driving then the less your insurance is. The insurance company will ask you how many miles your place of work is and how many days you are driving to and from to work. They will use this calculation and add on a few thousand miles to determine the amount of miles each year you drive your vehicle. Factors also included in this are things like the weather in your area. If you live in a place like Arizona where it is nice all year round then your insurance will be cheaper than if you have to drive on snow and ice for six months out of the year like drivers in Colorado or Montana. The insurance will be extremely cheap if you telecommute or you work from home. This is a factor that you must consider because the least amount of miles you tell the insurance company you are driving the cheaper your insurance will be.

If you have a garage then this will be a factor in determining your costs for insurance and your risks. The insurance company will consider the area you live in and the crime statistics based on car thefts. If you live in an area where there is a lot of crime and a high number of vehicle thefts then your insurance rates will be higher because you will be a high risk for the company. If you live in a rural area where next to nothing ever happen then your rates will be lower. A garage will make a difference in a high risk area because you are at less risk but it will not be that much lower.

A high risk driver is also considered by their age. The insurance companies consider that the older that you get then the less prone to accidents and tickets you are. The younger drivers from ages 15-24 are subject to higher rates. Once a driver reaches the age of 24 then their rates will begin to drop dramatically. You should also keep into account that the more claims you have on your auto insurance policy then the higher your rate will be also.

An auto insurance policy looks at many factors when they determine the risk of driver you are. A high risk driver means that you are a high risk for the insurance company having to put money out to have to repair the vehicle, the vehicle being stolen, vandalized, and more. You should consider all of the high risk factors when you go to get auto insurance.

by Kian Chew Chong

Check Out the Related Article : Bundling Home And Auto Insurance To Save Money

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