
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Auto Insurance Rates for Teenagers - Where to Get the Cheapest

Are you ready for the sticker shock of insuring a teenager? Auto insurance rates for teenagers can increase your premium by anywhere from 50 to 300 percent. This is because teenagers are more likely to have accidents than older, more experienced drivers. However, there are ways you can keep your premium as low as possible.

Choose a Car Wisely

Your rates will go up less dramatically if your teenager drives an older, less expensive, and heavier car. However, you'll want to balance this against the safety features more likely to be found in a newer car.

Encourage Good Grades

Many insurance companies offer a good student discount of as much as 25% for students who maintain a B average or higher.

Enroll Your Teen in a Driving Class

Whether your teen takes driver's education at school or enrolls in a private driving school, many insurance companies will give you a discount for driving instruction, lowering your insurance costs.

If you choose a private driving school, be sure to verify that they are licensed in your state and that their course qualifies your teen for an insurance discount.

Shop Around

When your teen begins driving, your first instinct will probably be to add him or her as an additional driver on your own insurance policy. While this may turn out to be your least expensive option, you should also explore whether you can save money by buying your teen a separate policy.

When you're looking at policies, be sure to comparison shop, as insurance rates and available discounts will vary considerably from one company to another. The easy way to comparison shop is to go to an insurance comparison website, where you can get quotes from several A-rated insurance companies at the same time.

Where to Get the Best Rates

Visit or click on the following link to get auto insurance rates for teenagers from top-rated companies and see how much you can save. You can get more tips and advice in their Articles section, and get answers to your questions from an insurance expert by using their online chat service.

by Brian Stevens

Check Out the Related Article : Affordable Auto Insurance With a Good Credit Rating

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