
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Closing the Gap: Auto Insurance Terms Defined for The Smart Shopper

As anyone who has shopped for auto insurance - or filed an auto insurance claim - knows, car insurance agents and companies use terminology all their own. Below is a list of definitions to give you the expertise to close the gap: auto insurance comparisons and dealing with claims doesn't have to feel like negotiating in a foreign language!

Actual cash value: The market value of your car as it stands today.

Anti-theft device: A device that deters thieves or burglars from stealing your car. Some insurance companies offer a discount if you have one in your car.

Assigned risk insurance: In states requiring insurance coverage for its drivers, it's a law that requires insurance companies to accept a certain number of high-risk drivers onto their policies. Such policies can be pricey, but they do exist.

Auto replacement coverage: Supplement that allows for your entire vehicle to be completely repaired or replaced, regardless of cost to the insurance company.

Bodily injury liability coverage: Covers another party's personal injuries if you caused a crash.

Binder: Temporary auto insurance that protects you until your new policy comes into force.

Betterment: Parts damaged in an accident may be replaced with parts in better condition than the car already had; the driver may be asked to pay the difference in cost.

Collision coverage: Pays for damage to, or replacement of your car in the event of an accident; sometimes required by car lenders.

Comprehensive insurance: Covers events not covered by collision insurance, for example, natural disasters, theft, and vandalism.

Deductible: The amount you pay for an incident before your insurance policy kicks in. The higher the deductible, the lower the rate.

Gap car insurance: Covers the difference between what you still owe on your car and its actual cash value as totaled in a wreck.

Good driver plan: An incentive offered by some insurance companies for maintaining a good driving record over a designated time period.

Lien: A claim on property as security for an owed debt.

Liability insurance: Covers losses to people and property damaged by your found negligence; is a required minimum in many states.

Passive restraint system: A safety system, such as an airbag or seatbelts, that works on its own to protect drivers and passengers from bodily injury. Some insurance companies give discounts for their presence in the car.

No-fault auto insurance: In some states, this type of policy replaces liability insurance. It covers damages to your own party or automobile, regardless of who was at fault. It allows for more expedient accident-related health care. In some states (i.e., where it's not the basic requirement) it's referred to as Personal Injury Protection. Sometimes no-fault insurance comes with a limit to claims (as part of a limit on torts claims).

SR-22 auto insurance: Also known as a Certificate of Financial Responsibility or CFR, it's that card you carry in your car verifying that you are covered by the state's minimal insurance requirement. Some states let you know whether or not you have an acceptable amount of automotive insurance.

Total loss: When the cost of repairing a damaged automobile exceeds its actual cash value.

Uninsured motorist coverage: Covers you when the other party in an accident doesn't have liability insurance coverage to pay for damages to your car or body.

by Jim Waltrip

Check Out the Related Article : Auto Insurance Free Significant Information

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