
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Auto insurance rates in South Africa - 3 Secrets to Low Car insurance Premiums

Auto insurance rates in South Africa have remained elusive to most people over the years. As if adding insult to injury, most insurance companies have increased premiums beyond inflationery rates. Insurance premiums are therefore one of the top household expenditures according to a recent American study. l doubt that there is reason to believe that the premiums will ever go down in South Africa. In this article, l want to discuss three techniques you can use when hunting for low car insurance premiums

The first thing that l want to say to those who are looking for a cheap auto insurance rates in South Africa is that you need to pay close attention to the type of car you buy. Certain vehicles naturally attract unreasonably high premiums. These will include sports cars as well as other high performance vehicles. A vehicle which is a 1.8 litre engine and above will generally be considered to be a high performance vehicle. Some imported models are also expensive to insure as, in the event of an accident, parts sometimes have to be imported at high costs. Therefore, buy a less ambitious, small and low performance vehicle.

Thereafter, turn the whole South African insurance industry upside down looking for cheap auto insurance rates. l am convinced that the primary reason why so many people fail to get cheap premiums lies in their unwillingness to adequately search for low quotes. It can be time consuming sometimes depending on how you aproach it, but, the results are worth it. The differences in premiums between the various insurance companies can even exceed 30 percent. The unfortunate thing is that you may never really know this if you are not willing to search for a low quote.

As you call the various insurance companies looking for affordable auto insurance rates, find out from them the type of security device that you have to install to qualify for discounts. Do not make the mistake of rushing to install an immobiliser for example, only to discover that the insurer will only give you a discount if you have a tracking device. You will be surprised to learn that in certain instances, the insurer will not require anything to be fitted to your vehicle as a security device as they consider your vehicle to be low risk.

These three tips will definitely go a long way in ensuring that you eventually get a low car insurance premium. You owe yourself the duty to find out other factors that can also be taken advantage of to reduce premiums. As you take maximum advantage of all the factors, you will enjoy low auto insurance rates in South Africa

by Khumbulani Phiri

Check Out the Related Article : Affordable Auto Insurance With a Good Credit Rating

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